7 Tips To Prepare Yoga For The First Time

Prepare Yoga
Yoga & Fitness

7 Tips: Some precautions help prevent injury, and enjoy yoga more. Many people may have taken advantage of confinement to get started in the practice of yoga.

Before immersing yourself in the world of postures and posing physical challenges that have nothing to do with the essence of this technique.

It can be useful to remember some basic 7 tips that, on the other hand, are still interesting for those already practising. Taking them into account prevents injuries and contributes to a greater understanding of yoga.

1. Avoid Perfectionism

In yoga, perfection is not sought. On the contrary, it invites you to develop great benevolence with yourself, as many limitations and fears are discovered. Accepting them without demanding improvements is the first step to overcome them naturally.

The surprises will come by themselves. A little sense of humour helps to relativize and cultivate healthy humility.

2. Respect Your Body

It is important to learn to know yourself to avoid injuries :

  • Never force. Each body is different and each day is different, sometimes you are tenser or more tired. Nobody better than ourselves can know when a movement or a posture exceeds our possibilities at that moment.
  • Knowing how to listen to yourself and respect yourself is one of the lessons that yoga offers.
  • Connect with posture. Although there are basic indications on how to position the body correctly in each position, it is about being comfortable, noting how the energy flows, and not how it blocks the effort.

7 tips

To know if we are doing it well, we can take into account we can remember what BKS Iyengar said in his book Light on yoga.

A correct yoga practice ” brings lightness and joy to the body and the mind, accompanied by a feeling of unity of body, mind, and soul.”

3. 7 Tips to Practice Yoga Comfortably and Safely

  • Practice on an empty stomach.
  • Do it before time in the morning or late in the afternoon. In the morning, you can do a series of sun salutations or include postures that activate you; At night, be sure to include several yins or resting poses to help you relax.
  • Before starting a practice, empty your urinary bladder and have a bowel movement.
  • Relax your facial muscles throughout the session.
  • Keep your eyes open until you are familiar with yoga.
  • Breathe through your nose and regularly.
  • At the end of the practice, lie down in Savasana for ten minutes to integrate the method and take advantage of its benefits.

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